- Android
- Training (實作)
- Adding the Action Bar (不適合用在給碩零的第二次HW,查資料後覺得目前暫時不需要)
- 參考:
- Android UI開發第二十四篇——Action Bar
- Android Action Bar(一) (第一篇不錯,第二篇跳太快,最好還是回頭看官方教學)
- Building Your First App (practice,尚未完成)
- 查到未讀
Adding the Action Bar筆記:
- How to request such a theme depends on which version of Android is the lowest supported by your app
- To add actions to the action bar, create a new XML file in your project's res/menu/ directory.
- ic_action_search:注意圖片的檔名開頭一定要是ic,然後實際存放的資料夾res\drawable裡的檔案也是要ic,不能有ic以外的,例如檔名打2_action_search,在run時就會錯誤