
2012年12月5日 星期三


  • 大多数的我发现并不能把WPF中的控件完美的显示在Xan上,出现诸多小问题。而其中较为好用的是XNAML,XNAML可以让XNA在WFP中发挥全部的功能,使用方法也很简单
  • 非XNA官方的東西,不推


如何在WPF專案加入自製的XNA WinForms Control
  • 修改WindowsFormsHost
  • 缺點:There are many ways to display 3D scenes based on XNA in a WPF environment. Some suffer from problems of speed (with the use of WindowsFormHost)

  • 問題 & 解決辦法:It is impossible to obtain the handle of any WPF control as can be done with a WinForm. The trick then is to rewrite part of the XNA framework revolving around the Game class. The goal is to inherit a new Game class from Panel (in our case, a Canvas) to be able to include it in the WPF visual tree
  • 這網頁的解決辦法較佳

Impression (XNA game engine & Editor)
  • 網路上看到的,用XNA4.0與WPF平台做成的編譯平台,不過辜狗時沒看到任何相關資料,不過這影片的擁有者有下列留言:After implement water renderer, this will be available to download. Unfortunately, this is freeware (Under BSD license) later.   也許過一陣子就會有了
  • 其中有一個關鍵句:It will be distributed FREE of charge

